Brzina, preciznost, kontrola, uzbuđenje, strast, nadahnuće……..
Završio je 5. INA Rally Kumrovec pod pokroviteljstvom predsjednice Republike Hrvatske Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović.
Hrvatska posada Krisztian Hideg i Istvan Kerek (AK Delta Sport) u Mitsubishiju Lanceru EVO IX s ukupnim vremenom od 30:58.4 minuta pobjednik je upravo petog izdanja INA Rally Kumrovec nakon uzbudljive završnice.
“Iznimno sam sretan zbog slavlja na ovom rallyu,” krenuo je Hideg. “Prvi put nastupamo u Kumrovcu i zbog toga smo posebno ponosni. Svakako bih pohvalio sjajnu organizaciju.”
Drugo mjesto je pripalo mađarskoj posadi Antalu Kovacsu i Gergu Istovicsu u Fordu Fiesti R5 sa sekundom zaostatka (30:59.4). Treće mjesto je osvojila hrvatska posada Daniel Šaškin i Saša Bitterman (Mitsubishi Lancer EVO X, 31:14.3).
“Uzbuđenja nije nedostajalo u samoj završnici ovog rallya,” rekao je Šaškin. “Rekordan broj posada svakako je velika pohvala organizatorima i dodatni motiv nama svima koji nastupamo.”
Od rekordnih 70 posada iz šest zemalja na ceremonijalnom startu u Kumrovcu, rally je završilo čak 59 posada, što i nije uobičajeno u rallyju te svakako razlog za zadovoljstvo organizatora i posada što nije bilo većih izlijetanja i tehničkih kvarova.
Posebnost kumrovečkih brzinaca leži u uskoj stazi s mnoštvom vezanih zavoja i prijevoja. Nerijetko se na asfaltu nađe i poprilična količina šljunka kojeg odabirom idealne putanje automobili izbace na cestu. Već godinama publika prepoznaje rally Kumrovec kao događaj koji donosi atraktivne vožnje s mnoštvom skokova.
U dosadašnje četiri utrke najbolje se snašao mađarski vozač Janos Szilagyi, koji je pobijedio tri puta, a 2013. godine morao je odustati nakon pola utrke zbog bolesti suvozača u trenutku dok je držao vodstvo. Jednu pobjedu u Kumrovcu izborio je Porečanin Daniel Šaškin.
Više na:
The Fifth INA Rally Kumrovec, supported by the President of the Republic of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović has come to a close.
Krisztian Hideg and Istvan Kerek, members of Auto Club Delta Sport came in first with a total time of 30:58.4 minutes. The Croatian crew drove a Mitsubishi Lancer EVO IX. It has been somewhat of a photo finish as the time difference between the first and second placed crew is a mere second.
“We’re tremendously happy to have won here,” said Hideg. “This is our first time competing in Kumrovec and that makes us a proud bunch. The organisation has been great.”
Second place belonged to Antal Kovacs and Gergo Istovics of Hungary, who clocked in one second slower than Hideg and Kerek in their Ford Fiesta R5. Another Croatian crew have found their way onto the podium as Daniel Šaškin and Saša Bitterman (Mitsubishi Lancer EVO X) finished third at 31:14.3.
“There has been no lack of excitement at the very end of the rally,” said Šaškin. “The all time high number of crews shows that the organisers have done a great job and it serves as additional motivation to all other drivers.”
A surprising 59 out of 70 crews from six countries have finished the rally, which comes as a sort of pleasant surprise given that it is fairly odd in the sport of rally for such a high percentage of crews to finish. It definitely is a reason for the organisers and drivers to be pleased that there was only a small amount of accidents and technical difficulties.
The specificity of Kumrovec stages lies in a narrow track with many linked curves and crests. Often lots of gravel gets on the asphalt which is put out of the roadside as drivers select the ideal line. For years, the audience recognises Rally Kumrovec as an event that brings attractive rides with lots of jumps.
In the previous four rallies Hungarian driver Janos Szilagyi was the best in such conditions. He has won three times, and in 2013 he had to withdraw after half of the rally due to illness of his co-driver while he held the lead. Daniel Šaškin of Poreč has one victory in Kumrovec.
Izvor: Kumrovec Rally
Photo: Uroš Modlic